Monday 17 January 2011

Picture Perfect...

There are days when I'm so busy, the last thing on my mind is photography. When all I want is to get things done, get home and get to bed... But even when the chips are down and it's feeling like an uphill struggle, the sun breaks through the clouds and that beam of light dances across the fields in front of you and you find yourself reaching for the camera, because, not to do so would be the worst kind of crime a photographer could commit, and that is to turn your back on a perfect picture.
And so it was, as I traveled back from Holyhead looking forward to a glass of wine and some mind-numbing TV, the skies opened and the light of life shone through and I had no choice but to give chase. I took a side road that lead to another side road that lead to a lane that lead... nowhere! So I got out of the car and carried on chasing until I could chase no more, because I had reached the sea and it's waves and and all I could do was to wait and see what life would give me in return for my chasing.
Sometimes it promises you everything and gives you nothing, just a dull grey sky that turns to night. But once in a while it gives up it's magic to you and only you, sweet payment for having faith, faith that there is a real magic in our lives. And here is the proof. You may think the colours are exaggerated, but they're not. The sky was orange, the sea was blue and I was a happy happy photographer.


Alistair said...

Absolutely incredible shots. I bet you went home with a smile after that..........

Down The Lane said...

Thanks for the comment. It turned out to be an OK day. Have now placed the images with 3 picture libraries. It may be God's light but it's my Nikon.