Being only thirty minutes away from Snowdonia National Park is quite a convenience when it comes to landscape photography. A quick look out the window and a check with the online local weather report and I’m packed and ready to roll in minutes. I often set off with some rather fixed ideas about what it is I’m trying to capture and almost always come back with something completely different; which is why I so enjoy photography. If you don’t have a plan of action you can often find excuses for not venturing out, especially when the weather is cold, wet and miserable. But it’s this exact same changeable weather that can give up some exceptional images, which you could never hope to plan in the first place.
So, the key is to have an agenda to get you out the front door and then be prepared to scrap it. A flask of tea, some warm long johns and the reassuring sound of radio 4 on the car stereo and the worlds your oyster just waiting to be photographed.
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