Tuesday 14 October 2008

Down To Earth...

Poking a camera out of the window of a light aircraft at 2000 feet isn’t the easiest of things to do; especially when the pictures you’re trying to take are going to be used very large and good detail is required for the final print. As soon as you pop open the flip-up window you get this rush of very cold air streaming into the cockpit of the plane and it isn’t long before your fingers start to go numb. A couple of minutes and you need to take a break just to warm up your digits, and so it went on. Almost 2 hours and 160 images later we eventually called it a day and headed back to earth. The images came out just fine and the client was happy with the results. You can never tell what the next phone call will bring, but that is why I love the job I do. Full of pleasant and exciting surprises.

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