I would be lying if I said it was an easy life here on Anglesey. You have to find some sort of work to make ends meet and if you don’t speak the language it can make the whole process a lot more difficult. Building up the photographic business has been very slow and I’ve often had to turn my hand to other skills such as carpentry or general handyman jobs just to earn a crust. But the idea of going back to the madness of city life just isn’t on the cards for me.
A typical day in the summer can often start with a phone call from my next-door neighbour Chris at 6 am asking if I fancy an early round of golf. We’re often on the first tee by 7 am and have got to know the green keepers very well. (By the way, a round of golf for us is the first 8 holes which brings us back to the club house; if we played the back 10 holes I’m sure we’d get lost and they’d have to send out a rescue team to find us) But what a way to start the day! By the third hole your looking out over the Irish Sea towards Dublin and there isn’t a soul around. We have the course to ourselves and take as long as we like over each shot watched only by the rabbits out feeding in the early morning dew while the swallows dart in and around our feet trying their best to trip us up. It can take anywhere from an hour and a quarter to two hours to complete these 8 holes depending on whether we stop off along the way to do some ball hunting. This always results in a collective find of anything up to twenty balls or more. – Can’t remember the last time I bought any… All this and I’m still home before 9am to start my proper day of work.
Of course I don’t play golf every day, On the days I’m not playing golf you’ll find me out paddling my sea kayak around some of the most spectacular coastlines to be found anywhere in the British Isles… but that’s another story.
Have a nice day.
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