As a sea kayaker living on Anglesey, I’m often called on to act as a student to fellow paddlers training to become instructors in this wonderful sport. This gives me plenty of opportunities to get out on to the water while being instructed by supervised, trainee instructors. What would normally set me back £70 -£80 a lesson I get for free. It’s also a great way to learn about the coastline of this island, its tidal flows and currents, along with all the risks inherent in paddling the ocean waves. On top of all that, I get to pick and choose what kind of kayak I’d like to paddle for the day. (My wish-list is forever growing longer.) I get to meet like-minded people all sharing the same enthusiasm and passion for this sport and get to hear some great stories of kayaking trips from around the world. Dodging ice-bergs in Greenland or being surrounded by playful dolphins down in Florida. (A second wish-list is growing fast.) Anglesey is a Mecca for sea kayakers as it contains so many water features within such a small area. The famous tidal races at the northern end of the island out near the Skerries, along with the tidal flows and eddies of the Menai Straits. There is talk that in the next couple of years a regular kayaking festival will be held on the island and paddlers from all over Europe and beyond will come together to spend a week sharing their skills and experiences with fellow kayakers.
Sounds like a lot of fun…can’t wait.

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