Saturday, 29 September 2007

My Witching Hour...

I’m guessing that ‘the witching hour’ is that time in the day or night that has a sense of magic about it. I’d have to say that during the summer months it would be the early hours of dawn. While the rest of the world is still in slumber and the sun is still wiping the sleep from it’s eyes, this is the time to feel the true magic of Anglesey. There is a unique kind of stillness that you can feel, especially near to water. Four Mile Bridge (Named after the distance from the bridge to Holyhead town) is an inland sea that remains quite shallow even at high tide. An ideal place to practice your kayaking skills or to learn your new windsurfing tricks. The bridge also allows a great flow of water through its arch, as the tide rises and falls, and is favourite with the white water kayakers. But in the early morning mist while all around sleeps, I stand and stare and am bewitched in this special magic hour in this special magic place.

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